
Because "Mature" means "Complicated"

Maaf malam ini terlalu banyak bercerita.

Adakah yang setuju dengan....

"If i have to be honest, i would say that it feels like i've found a lot of people aged 30 in teenagers' bodies."


"Realita kehidupan ABG jaman sekarang, disorientasi tujuan hidup karena ke'kritis'an berlebihan, atau tidak kritis sama sekali"

Satu tahun berlalu dari kelas X ke kelas XI rasanya.......
terlalu BANYAK, maksudnya BANYAK banget yang berubah. Sifat orang-orang, dan sekali lagi ritme hidup yang semakin menyerupai orang dewasa. Dan semuanya itu bikin semua keluar aslinya. Ngejelimet banget lah pokoknya. Kadang-kadang mikir juga, ngapain sih gini-gini amat? Masih SMA juga. Bukan itu, tapi Masih SMA aja udah gini mau gimana nantinya? Mau jadi apa?

"Gitu aja kok repot?"

Tapi emang repot ribet rieut lah liat lingkungan SMA sekarang. Berasa gedung sekolah ini gedung kantor. Semua sibuk ini dan itu. Itu dan ini. Dulu gini juga ngga sih?

Ngga kebayang apa rasanya ya orang tua jaman sekarang liat anak-anaknya gini?
Masih SMA juga kok hey........


  1. I totally agree nad.
    It seems that high school kids nowadays (or is it just in our school) are so workaholic because being busy makes them proud.
    having too many responsibilities makes them 'learn'

    but to me learning is having the most fun in high school,
    being teenagers. people talk about time management but it seems like they world only revolves around their work, and that makes them look old.

  2. "people talk about time management but it seems like they world only revolves around their work, and that makes them look old."

    +10000000 che! i once thought that our school is more likely a place to learn how to be a good event organizer. Maybe ppl out there's having fun with this, but doesn't it seem like too much? High school kids should feel the joy of being a teenager.

    High school is a sweet combination of childhood and adults' hectic days, innit?
