
A Room Without A Roof


Probably, this is my new favorite month. At least for this year. May has been very kind to me. Whoops! Let me rewrite that in a better sentence. God has been very kind to me this month, in May. Finally, my high school time is over and fortunately, it ended in the best way it could be. I have no option to be such an ungrateful person this month since there are too many things to be grateful of. School stuffs, college stuffs, love life (yes, you read that right), and the most important is my self. I'm not sure whether it's better for me to write every details about them here or not. I don't know if writing those would make me look like bragging myself or whatsoever.

If you don't mind knowing them, here are my remarkable life events lately:
Got the highest score for UN (re: final exam) in Smansa for IPS class. Got accepted in Universitas Indonesia (Economic Science). Had a pleasant graduation day. Spent a great night at prom (Rantai Emas Awards). Gathered with my big family and shared the warmth. Have someone to hold onto, to support, to remind me about anything important, to cheer me up, and to love. The best part is, that person will be where I will be in college. The last but not least, me being happy of myself.

 If I were Pharrell Williams, I would definitely say that May is my room without a roof.