Showing posts with label Live Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Live Journal. Show all posts



Threshold gives me thrill. It just proved itself to this girl, a novice in life. [yes, even after almost 2 decades of living, I still call myself verdant]. Threshold has just brought this soul to another transition of life, encouraging to jump across the line that divides life into phases, particularly 2 phases this time.

or maybe should I say, 2 different sides of a soul.

Bid farewell to the old cheers, laughter, goofiness, and extroversion. Those days when those things were dominating have now become a past. Now, life ain't about being happy and out. I've come to realize that there are much more things that are more relevant and significant to pay attention to, for instance, to have a meaningful life. But again, what kind of meaningful?

In order to find the answer, I tried to spend more time with the one whom I need to be closer to: myself. Pulling me back from the familiar fellows, staying in the room whole day long, yarra yarra yarra only to get to know what I want, what I actually really want in life [and who I want to be with]. That didn't happen to be as easy as I expected for it ended up with me loving myself much much more than before and hating it as much as loving it. That kind of feeling stressed the heck out of me/

It also resulted in a scattered sleep cycle. Six nights of only sleeping for 1-2 hours which led to the seventh night where I went hibernating for the whole day. "What did you do? Why didn't you just shut your eyes and sleep?". If only it was that easy. No, I did not do anything, no college tasks at all, no studying, not even keeping myself busy with neither the phone nor the computer. Body all shut but my mind just kept wandering, perhaps seeking for any justification for what I had been feeling [and believing].

Some days ago, I met my dear high school colleagues, having some good laughs [which made me realize that I had not had such laughs for quite a long time], and surely enjoyable conversation. One of them awoke me by saying that I've turned into someone 'normal'. Meaning that, I've changed from someone whom they called 'alien' [which was created by a dear friend of mine], into a 'person', an adult. From a 'happy-go-lucky' to an 'almost-dead-serious' one. Also, that day led me to a realization that I had not talked to them [especially my closest ones] for months. A friend told me that I might be suffering stress. I declined. Then she said, "Your conscious might not admit it, but your unconscious does".

Now what?

I've come to believe that they may create systems, others may make expectations, I may get scored and judged for what I do and what I do not, but the life of mine depends on me. In the end, my satisfaction is what matters the most. In order to fully achieve that, I've got to focus on myself, less distraction from anything, and anyone [what happened not so long ago had made me learn a lot about trusting humans and had made me experience 'this' *which is implicitly explained throughout this post*, and I've had enough of it]. Do not get fooled by words, for they are not always meant as what we think how they are meant.

Stand on your own feet, believe in your own self, hold on to your principles,
...and get over this threshold easily.
[this is a note to myself]


A Room Without A Roof


Probably, this is my new favorite month. At least for this year. May has been very kind to me. Whoops! Let me rewrite that in a better sentence. God has been very kind to me this month, in May. Finally, my high school time is over and fortunately, it ended in the best way it could be. I have no option to be such an ungrateful person this month since there are too many things to be grateful of. School stuffs, college stuffs, love life (yes, you read that right), and the most important is my self. I'm not sure whether it's better for me to write every details about them here or not. I don't know if writing those would make me look like bragging myself or whatsoever.

If you don't mind knowing them, here are my remarkable life events lately:
Got the highest score for UN (re: final exam) in Smansa for IPS class. Got accepted in Universitas Indonesia (Economic Science). Had a pleasant graduation day. Spent a great night at prom (Rantai Emas Awards). Gathered with my big family and shared the warmth. Have someone to hold onto, to support, to remind me about anything important, to cheer me up, and to love. The best part is, that person will be where I will be in college. The last but not least, me being happy of myself.

 If I were Pharrell Williams, I would definitely say that May is my room without a roof.


Managing Expectation : An Honest Confession

First, sorry for the inconvenience of this post (if you feel like there is one)

Managing expectations. Almost 6 months ago at Wisma Handayani, I was bored to hear these simple words being repeated over and over again. At that time, which I still remember the exact atmosphere until now, I felt like I could brace myself very easily to do this. I thought I was so strong, so capable to do anything. Over-trusted my self? Yes, I did. I can draw, I can sing, I can play piano, I can dance, I can do math, I can do speeches, I can cook, I can do karate, I can... what else? Doing stuffs like that is quite easy for my mind to give suggestion to my self that it's something I can do. Sounds arrogant? Yes, it does.

I am very used to use the power of self-suggestion. I've been using that for more than half of my entire life. That's the biggest factor of my success today, winning competitions, getting good grades at school, being top-rank at school, and also, being an exchange student. I felt too comfortable with self-suggestion. It made me feel good because I almost always won from anything. I almost always got what I wanted.

But not today. This is the day I've always been afraid of. I'm so afraid to lose. I really am. It sucks. I hate it. I hate the fact that I never realized that I should be ready not to win. I should've been ready to lose, yes I should have.

This day, January 8 2013, is a big day for most exchange students. Competitions that we entered months ago got big announcements today. BUBW (Better Understanding for Better World), CEW (Civic Education Week), GNML Youth TechCamp, all had their winners announced today.

Did I win one? At least one of them?


I didn't apply for all actually. But, now I feel how important it is to manage my expectation. It's not a really big deal for me, not going to those places. Not winning, yea, that's kind of a big deal for me. I've been expecting too much that it makes me going down a little bit today. Do you know what makes it even worse? People that I know well, yes, they got it. My YES friends, my Pelita Cita Indonesia, my host sister (Re: double-placement-mate), they got what I wanted me to get. Not that I'm not happy for them. I am happy to hear that, but, I've been believing that if others can do it, I can do it too.

Well, then I realized something. I got more than those today. I got my lesson how it feels to lose. I got my lesson how to accept unexpected things. I got my lesson how to manage my expectations.

I dedicated this post to my Pelita Cita Indonesia who are my very loved friends, my great team. I love you all so much, I'm proud of you all to the sky and beyond. To my friends who got the chance to win, big congratulations for all of you. I'm happy :) And oh, please don't feel bad for me and others who didn't get it, because honestly, I'll feel even worse. But just, be down to earth. It's not me, but there are others who really wanted it so much. I know you all are happy and very excited, but we're family right? We care about others right?

To my friends who are experiencing the same thing as I am now (if there are ones), you are not alone. Let's learn more, and move on :) The world is as huge as chances for us to win something else, to win lessons, to win from ourselves.

Managing expectations. Something hard that I'm trying to make it easy today :)
Cheer up, Chin up!


So, this is 2012

December 16. Day 350 of 365. I can still easily recall those time when my twitter feed was flooded by the "1 of 365", "2 of 265' and so on. So why would I even waste  (read: spend) my time here, on my blogspot, while I was about to have my Spanish semester exam tomorrow? Oh, I also had to record myself bringing a news broadcast for my speech class which I honestly procrastinate a lot. Nothing's really exciting that happened today. Well, something did happen today, but NOT exciting at all, to me. 

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. My 50-60ish uncle passed away today. I was in the church, watching some of my American relatives performing a drama about the essence of Christmas. It was good tho'. Yea it was, until I got my phone beeping, and it made me couldn't stop my tears. My father told me about my uncle. My strong uncle, I can say. We used to live together back then. His view of life, somehow really inspires me. 

I cried. Yea, I did. I could feel the church members staring at me. But I'm glad that my host family is really a nice family. They even came to the Pastor and asked him to do a special prayer for my uncle, even though we are from different religion. I really appreciate their kindness to me.

This brought me back to 6 months ago. I lost my aunt, my very kind aunt. I remember how she taught me to knit, and to do cross-stitching for my school task (although I didn't finish it). She said she promised me to bring her cross-stitching book by the next time she comes again. Did she bring it? No. She came with a sincere smile, with a very young look, with a white cloth wrapping her body. She looked so peaceful, I couldn't even ask her to bring her book.

I cried. Yea, I did. Everybody did. Everybody loved, no, loves her. It was so hard to see her not talking even a word. But at least, I got the last chance to see her again. Which I didn't, when my uncle left.

This is 2012. 2 from my family left. Yea they left us to a better place, to a more peaceful place. And we are still here, praying for them so they can get one even better place.


It's Fall!

It's fall, folks!
The undeniable beauty of colors,
The warmth inside your heart,
The cheers that you got.

It's my first fall season.


First Time.....

So this is my first time....

  • Leaving Asia
  • Sharing room with another person
  • Polishing nails by myself
  • Doing homeworks diligently
  • Arriving at school 30 minutes before it started
  • Going home right after the bell rang
  • Sketching & Drawing everyday
  • Going to homecoming dance
  • Watching an opera
  • Being the person who take a bath most regularly at home
  • Purchasing cosmetic stuffs
  • Buying clothes & shoes without my mom
  • Having a hard time to write an essay in Bahasa
  • "Mix & Match"-ing clothes as I like
  • Washing clothes once in a week
  • Hugging dogs
  • Craving for sunlight & heat
  • Owning my own computer
  • Not showing emotions
  • Missing the sound of Adzan
  • Belonging to the minority

So this is my first time....
Being an exchange student.
Living in the USA.


Another Picts : The Second Month

Always love Big Bird :)

One day at the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo 

 Cluster Group!

 Never regret i bring this shoes with me

 Dad teaching Umme how to bike ride

 "Catch me? Well, good luck!"

Big Pumpkin is watching you 


 My last words as a "MPK" official staff

 Gaining weight

 Looks cold, doesn't it?

Found a mini treasure



Hai, mau cerita kondisi saat ini.

I am broke,

Bukan broken kok gapake 'n'

Sedang pailit

di saat kebutuhan berlipat ganda.
I am broken.

Hapus aja  'n' nya,

I am broke.


*click* -> New -> *write* *insert pictures* -> Save & Quit.

(sekedar Ms. Word)


First Expressions

Me, Everywhere!

Enough said.


Because "Mature" means "Complicated"

Maaf malam ini terlalu banyak bercerita.

Adakah yang setuju dengan....

"If i have to be honest, i would say that it feels like i've found a lot of people aged 30 in teenagers' bodies."


"Realita kehidupan ABG jaman sekarang, disorientasi tujuan hidup karena ke'kritis'an berlebihan, atau tidak kritis sama sekali"

Satu tahun berlalu dari kelas X ke kelas XI rasanya.......
terlalu BANYAK, maksudnya BANYAK banget yang berubah. Sifat orang-orang, dan sekali lagi ritme hidup yang semakin menyerupai orang dewasa. Dan semuanya itu bikin semua keluar aslinya. Ngejelimet banget lah pokoknya. Kadang-kadang mikir juga, ngapain sih gini-gini amat? Masih SMA juga. Bukan itu, tapi Masih SMA aja udah gini mau gimana nantinya? Mau jadi apa?

"Gitu aja kok repot?"

Tapi emang repot ribet rieut lah liat lingkungan SMA sekarang. Berasa gedung sekolah ini gedung kantor. Semua sibuk ini dan itu. Itu dan ini. Dulu gini juga ngga sih?

Ngga kebayang apa rasanya ya orang tua jaman sekarang liat anak-anaknya gini?
Masih SMA juga kok hey........


Ber-Li-Bur (part 1)

Astana Lurah Gede, Pemakaman Keluarga, Linggajati.

Between my Grandma's & Grandpa's
*sooner or later, may we meet up in heaven :')

Captured @ Gn. Tangkuban Parahu; 28/12/11

4 of 5

Dip your foot, it's hot!

Thwee of us. Siblings forever!

Sulphur-based scrub

Guess who's older?

A 30-minutes-walking road to a gate of warmth

The greatest!
*ps: Ayahku seperti Aang :D

And this, taken @ Bumi Perkemahan Cikole; Sanlat & Camp DT '11

Mom, Sist, and Me.

Ber-Li-Bur (part 2)

From the 11th level @ Hotel Apita, Cirebon.

Morning's appetite

Guten Morgen!

I pictured this bouquet of flowers for nobody but you.

Voila! Say hi to this super cute flash drive!

Rubber-made. Do not eat ;)


Curahan Hati Hari Ini

19 Desember 2011.

Tau sumbilangeun kan? Ehm. Atau mungkin PMS? Yang cewe mungkin tau gimana ga enaknya dan gimana sakitnya dan gimana betenya. Ok, kayanya cukup menjelaskan kenapa rasanya hari ini saya malas beranjak dan ingin beristirahat di rumah. Andaikan bisa....

Mengapa tidak? Ada SATU alasan mengapa saya tidak bisa, bukan tidak mau. Satu yang entah mengapa saya rasa menjadi tanggung jawab saya. Workshop. Ya, acara itu. Sederhana sebenernya, ga seribet yang dibayangkan mungkin. Cuma forum dan bla bla bla. Bukannya mau sok-sokan gimana. Tapi gemes banget rasanya liat orang-orang yang "menjalankan" acara sederhana ini. Hari ini, saya yang notabenenya hanya bertugas memastikan acara akan berjalan lancar dan secara tidak langsung mempertanggungjawabkan acara ini, harus turun tangan. Bahkan kepada hal-hal yang seharusnya bukan menjadi kewajiban saya. Kesel? Pasti iya!
Belum berakhir, masalah pulsa. Seakan tidak tahu waktu yang tepat. Ga punya pulsa hari ini disaat lagi stress, butuh sms, dan kenyataannya ada beberapa sms masuk dari peserta workshop. Wah banget. Sesuatu rasanya ga punya pulsa.

Sekarang jam 1.25am. Kurang lebih 1 atau 2 jam yg lalu, PMS saya berasa naik ke level 6 dari 10 level. Apalagi waktu 'cessss', ada yg saya rasa mengalir di sekujur kaki saya. Rasanya, pengen hilang sejenak saja. Dan lagi-lagi tak ada yang menemani.
Keadilan sepertinya sedang datang hari ini. Memang, adil itu belum tentu berarti hal yang baik bukan? Keadilan itu ga memihak. Saat emang kita harus dapet hal yang kadang kita rasa ga adil. Itu pasti bagian dari keadilan Tuhan. Entah mungkin keadilan bagi orang lain :)

"Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

*btw, terimakasih Enel yang udah masukin nama ogut di postnya huihui.

Enel Rizka Aulia
(She indirectly teaches me that everyone has 2 different sides inside)