
Kamis Pujangga

Kamis, ku mulai hariku dengan keindahan Sang Pujangga.
Kamis, banyak hal yang harus kulakukan.
Kamis, banyak muka yang harus kutemui.
Kamis, terselip satu ingin pada satu muka yang ku kenal.
Kamis, hati berbisik ingin sendiri.
Kamis, dua menjadi definisi sendiri.

Lalu Kamis berlalu,
Sang Pujangga mencari Pujangganya.

Sang Pujangga, matahari pagi yang lembut sinarnya.
Sang Pujangga, hangat nyaman perekah senyuman.
Sang Pujangga, oase penyegar di tengah hari yang sibuk.
Sang Pujangga, muka yang ku kenal.
Sang Pujangga, satu yang menambah satuku hingga menjadi dua.
Sang Pujangga, alasan dua adalah satu.

Pujangganya tiba namun terlambat,
Sang Pujangga masih menerima.


Curahan Hati Singkat untuk Tuhan

Tuhan, maafkan atas ketidakmampuanku untuk merangkai kata-kata seindah kata-kataMu.
Tuhan, jika benar (dan aku percaya benar) Kau adalah Sang Maha Mengetahui, itu artinya kata-kata ini  sebenarnya sudah sering Kau dengar.
Tuhan, izinkan aku bercerita, bertanya, dan sedikit meminta.

Tuhan, apakah aku salah jika aku tak pernah merasa puas?
Salahkah aku jika aku tak percaya dengan adanya batasan?
Sesungguhnya aku takut sekali jika batasan itu benar-benar ada dan aku harus bertemu dengannya,
karena aku tak mau tahu apa itu batasanku.
Aku tak mau tahu kalau aku punya batasan kemampuan.
Aku ingin memiliki kemampuan tuk melakukan segala hal lebih baik daripada orang lain.

Tetapi, Tuhan, aku memang pecundang.
Aku menghindari bertemu dengan batasanku.
Aku tak pernah memberi usaha terbaik, dan terkerasku.
Karena aku takut, ketika usaha terbaikku sudah kuberikan,
tetapi aku masih tak mampu menjadi yang terbaik,
aku akan sadar bahwa kemampuanku ada batasannya,
dan aku akan marah pada diriku sendiri untuk batasan itu.

Tuhan, apakah ini yang disebut mencurangi diri sendiri?
Jika aku memang jahat pada diriku sendiri,
apakah dengan melakukan hal yang kutahu akan membuat diriku membenci aku sendiri,
aku melakukan hal yang lebih terpuji dari yang kulakukan saat ini?

Tuhan, aku tahu pasti bahwa Kau sudah banyak memberi kepadaku.
Aku mencintai, mensyukuri semua pemberianMu selama ini.
Tetapi, Tuhan, aku butuh bimbinganMu untuk mencintai, serta mensyukuri yang satu ini,
yaitu diriku sendiri.
Aku terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu untuk mengutuk diri ini,
karena hal-hal yang kurasa bodoh karena kulakukan.
Mungkin termasuk hal yang kuceritakan di atas tadi, Tuhan.
Aku tahu ini hina, karena aku, bagaimanapun juga, adalah ciptaanMu.
Tetapi, Tuhan, aku berani bersumpah, bahwa tak pernah ada niat untuk mengutukMu,
atau mengutuk keputusanMu untuk memperbolehkan setan dan iblis itu untuk berusaha menggerogoti diri manusia.

Tuhan, aku tak tahu mana benar mana tidak,
bahkan tak tahu apakah menulis kata-kata ini benar dimataMu.
Aku sungguh butuh bimbinganMu.
Pikiranku yang meracau, hatiku yang berubah-ubah,
ingin rasanya aku serahkan saja padaMu.
Aku takut berjalan di jalan yang salah.
Aku takut mempercayai yang salah.
Aku takut jika aku harus berkata apa yang kupercaya, namun tak sesuai dengan hati.

Tuhan, Sesungguhnya Kau Maha Mengetahui,
Kau tahu betapa aku sering berusaha membohongi diriku sendiri, dan orang lain.
Kukatakan aku merasa begini dan begitu,
ketika sesungguhnya aku pun tak tahu apa yang aku rasakan.
Aku sungguh tak tahu, Tuhan.
Hatiku tidak seperti novel yang ceritanya sejalan,
melainkan buku cerita anak yang memiliki banyak cerita di dalamnya.

Sungguh, aku lelah menyandarkan diriku pada manusia lainnya.
Aku bosan merasa kecewa pada manusia yang kupercaya sebelumnya,
yang lalu akan membuatku kecewa pada diriku sendiri karena telah percaya.
Maka izinkan aku memohon padaMu seorang, Tuhan.
Bimbinglah aku,
agar pada akhirnya,
pada akhir dari yang terakhir,
segala yang kurasa, kupikirkan, dan kulakukan,
bagaimanapun itu terasa menyiksa bagiku,
seperti malam ini yang terasa seperti suara bass pada drum yang amat terasa berat dan sakit di hati,
akhirnya hanya menuju padaMu seorang.

Dengan cinta dan harapan setulus-tulusnya,
si penakut dan pecundang terbesar,


Random Shallow Spills

  • Tiny, tiny, this soul feels tinier and tinier as the time goes by. She feels like she came from another planet far away and just touched down the earth. She feels like a new kid at school. She feels alienated. Don't take it wrong, her friends welcomed her very warmly and nicely. It's just her insecurity acting up. She, unlike popular beliefs, has a deep insecurity. Today's major current doesn't feel right to her. Adolescents are on their attempts to climb the social ladder, while this girl right here was just confused with what to do, until she decided that she'll make her own ladder. She doesn't share the ladder because it's her own target for her own self, which makes nobody else understand how the ladder works. In spite of those all, she actually realizes that it's her who needs to adapt. She actually adapts pretty easily to new environments and to different kind of people. However, her principle is strong and somehow hard to bend.
  • Within a spare world called social medias, there lies opportunities to get a quick lift to some steps ahead on the ladder. Those "fancy dining"-s, "fashionable outfits from particular brands", "Hey look at this cool, trending event I'm attending", "Hey, I'm driving a car" or "My lover's driving a car", they think can move them up a little bit on that ladder. Don't know what the purpose of all these social medias are, but today, they turn into social (ladder climbing) medias. Meanwhile, I, the girl mentioned above, use social medias to spill whatever it is inside, both heart and mind. Satirical contents are up to criticize what I want to criticize in a way that others won't realize that it's a sarcasm. Yes to the hidden sarcasms, kiddos. Again, don't get this wrong. I don't condemn this, I am just purely confused.
*to be resumed* *too sleepy that I think there are some errors here.*



Threshold gives me thrill. It just proved itself to this girl, a novice in life. [yes, even after almost 2 decades of living, I still call myself verdant]. Threshold has just brought this soul to another transition of life, encouraging to jump across the line that divides life into phases, particularly 2 phases this time.

or maybe should I say, 2 different sides of a soul.

Bid farewell to the old cheers, laughter, goofiness, and extroversion. Those days when those things were dominating have now become a past. Now, life ain't about being happy and out. I've come to realize that there are much more things that are more relevant and significant to pay attention to, for instance, to have a meaningful life. But again, what kind of meaningful?

In order to find the answer, I tried to spend more time with the one whom I need to be closer to: myself. Pulling me back from the familiar fellows, staying in the room whole day long, yarra yarra yarra only to get to know what I want, what I actually really want in life [and who I want to be with]. That didn't happen to be as easy as I expected for it ended up with me loving myself much much more than before and hating it as much as loving it. That kind of feeling stressed the heck out of me/

It also resulted in a scattered sleep cycle. Six nights of only sleeping for 1-2 hours which led to the seventh night where I went hibernating for the whole day. "What did you do? Why didn't you just shut your eyes and sleep?". If only it was that easy. No, I did not do anything, no college tasks at all, no studying, not even keeping myself busy with neither the phone nor the computer. Body all shut but my mind just kept wandering, perhaps seeking for any justification for what I had been feeling [and believing].

Some days ago, I met my dear high school colleagues, having some good laughs [which made me realize that I had not had such laughs for quite a long time], and surely enjoyable conversation. One of them awoke me by saying that I've turned into someone 'normal'. Meaning that, I've changed from someone whom they called 'alien' [which was created by a dear friend of mine], into a 'person', an adult. From a 'happy-go-lucky' to an 'almost-dead-serious' one. Also, that day led me to a realization that I had not talked to them [especially my closest ones] for months. A friend told me that I might be suffering stress. I declined. Then she said, "Your conscious might not admit it, but your unconscious does".

Now what?

I've come to believe that they may create systems, others may make expectations, I may get scored and judged for what I do and what I do not, but the life of mine depends on me. In the end, my satisfaction is what matters the most. In order to fully achieve that, I've got to focus on myself, less distraction from anything, and anyone [what happened not so long ago had made me learn a lot about trusting humans and had made me experience 'this' *which is implicitly explained throughout this post*, and I've had enough of it]. Do not get fooled by words, for they are not always meant as what we think how they are meant.

Stand on your own feet, believe in your own self, hold on to your principles,
...and get over this threshold easily.
[this is a note to myself]



Image Courtesy

A mail just came in. The message was "In two days, two gifts will come to you. One is for you, and the other one belongs to a woman who lives by the river. When you find out which one is for whom, please deliver it directly to the woman."

Day one, you got a box all wrapped nicely and neatly. It looked so fancy that you guessed you were about to receive a fancy, expensive gift. You assumed. You were very sure about it. Thus, you thought there's no need to open the box. "Just keep it inside the cupboard, I believe this one is for me", you said.

The day after, you got another box. This time, it was just a filthy unwrapped shoe box. The only word you had in your mind was 'Ewh'. So you took it to the other woman without any second thought.

One day, you needed money. So you opened the gift box you had been keeping in your cupboard to make some value from it. You took your first glance at the gift. A pair of socks you found. It shocked you, because you needed no socks and it was far from your expectation. Moreover, you wouldn't get any money from such pair of socks.

Then you remembered the woman who lived by the river. You asked her about the gift she received, and she said she no longer had it. Curiosity laid in your mind, so you questioned about what was actually there. "Some bars of gold. But I've had enough of gold, so I gave them away and got some pairs of socks in return because I need them to give to the poor kids", she said.

You almost fainted there, and regretted everything.

This is intended to people out there, who got fooled by outer appearances and decided to be fooled.


A Room Without A Roof


Probably, this is my new favorite month. At least for this year. May has been very kind to me. Whoops! Let me rewrite that in a better sentence. God has been very kind to me this month, in May. Finally, my high school time is over and fortunately, it ended in the best way it could be. I have no option to be such an ungrateful person this month since there are too many things to be grateful of. School stuffs, college stuffs, love life (yes, you read that right), and the most important is my self. I'm not sure whether it's better for me to write every details about them here or not. I don't know if writing those would make me look like bragging myself or whatsoever.

If you don't mind knowing them, here are my remarkable life events lately:
Got the highest score for UN (re: final exam) in Smansa for IPS class. Got accepted in Universitas Indonesia (Economic Science). Had a pleasant graduation day. Spent a great night at prom (Rantai Emas Awards). Gathered with my big family and shared the warmth. Have someone to hold onto, to support, to remind me about anything important, to cheer me up, and to love. The best part is, that person will be where I will be in college. The last but not least, me being happy of myself.

 If I were Pharrell Williams, I would definitely say that May is my room without a roof.


Fame : A Paradox

                Fame, to me is part of life. I don’t mean that I live in fame now, but fame is everywhere, and people have to admit that it is important. Fame doesn’t always mean that people have to be garish. According to me, fame is not something to achieve, but it will come by itself for people who deserve it. Within fame, there is a very potential power to change something. And even better, we can find the coteries of our action more easily.  Just like what John Lennon did, he spoke out for the inordinate violence during the World War II. That is one example of how fame can turn something better.

                But, in other hand, fame can be extremely dangerous if people use fame to gather bad people, bad ideas, and to make a worse world, just like what Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden did. This kind of fame is somehow easier to achieve. A lot of people who feel indigent of fame and really want to have it but don’t want to be pertinacious enough would rather try to have this fame instead of the ‘good type of fame’.

image courtesy

                Personally, I can’t say that fame is the definition of being successful or happy. Some people reach their success without fame. But if fame can help people to reach their success, I don’t see why not. I think it depends on people’s definition towards what success is. And about the happiness, I also can’t say it’s the definition. But for some people, it is. After seeing the life of the famous Hollywood celebrities, the prince of the United Kingdom, and some other famous people, I see the frustration behind the fame. I would die because of the paparazzi, the thin line that tells public about every picayune thing of the people on the wall of fame’s life.

                But again, it depends on how people see it.  Some people like it, some people don’t. However, fame embellishes our life through the story in it.